Agricultural educators play a key role in schools, community, the agricultural industry, and society. Becoming an agricultural educator means to engage students in leadership opportunities, personal growth & success, and career readiness through a total program of agricultural education and community involvement. The demand for agricultural teachers is higher than the current supply. Additionally, agricultural educators are often on extended contracts, meaning they get paid during the summer months and could earn a higher salary than other teachers.
Not one day is the same as an agriculture teacher! Some days may include:
- Serving as an advisor for FFA students engaged in leadership.
- Evaluating students' wide variety of Supervised Agricultural Experiences.
- Connecting with the community through service.
- Fostering a classroom environment which allows students to explore the agricultural industry and related careers.
Agricultural education is a diverse field that welcomes new perspectives and experiences. Whether you are transferring from industry, alternatively certified, recently graduated, or just looking for a unique job - Ag Ed could be the career for you!
Check out the video below from agricultural educators about their reasons for teaching ag in Arizona!
The University of Arizona Agriculture Education, Technology & Innovation Department
Agriculture Education Teaching Option
The University of Arizona's programs of study in agricultural education prepare students for entering careers in teaching agricultural education in 9th-12th grade classrooms. These positions require preparation in basic sciences, technical agriculture, knowledge of the principles and techniques of the teaching-learning process, communication skills and the ability to work with people. Students will complete a course of study that encompasses multiple technical agriculture content areas as well as participating in teacher preparation courses.
To learn more about the AGTE - Teaching Emphasis Degree path, visit https://agriculture.arizona.edu/teaching
Looking for a graduate program? Check out https://agriculture.arizona.edu/graduate
Students enrolled in the Teaching Emphasis automatically qualify for the J.R. Cullison Education Scholarship - No application needed! The scholarship amount increases with every year you stay in the major. Learn more about the award program and how it has benefitted AZ educators below.
Join the next generation of Arizona public school teachers — and do it without paying tuition or fees!
The Arizona Teachers Academy at the University of Arizona is a voter-approved initiative to bring more qualified K-12 educators into the state's classrooms by offering student-teachers full-tuition scholarships and access to post-graduate induction services like instructional coaching and professional development. In exchange, academy-funded educators commit to teaching in an Arizona school, public or charter, for as many years as they received funding.
The ATA currently funds student-teachers in sixteen different graduate and undergraduate programs throughout the University of Arizona and its Tucson, Southern Arizona, and Phoenix-area campuses.
Learn more about:
Eligibility and scholarship details
How to apply
Teacher certification programs participating in the academy
Frequently asked questions
For additional questions about the Arizona Teachers Academy itself, please contact us by email.
Contact Us
Raul Cipriano Gonzalez
Assistant Professor of Practice
Education 705
Please review the Arizona Department of Education's CTE Teacher Certification information here. All Arizona CTE Teachers must be certified. The documents for Agriculture CTE Certification and guidance are included in the document section at the bottom of this page.